Calabrian Fantasia Tropeana is a delicious cream that has at the base of its recipe the ingredient par excellence of Calabrian cuisine, the red onion from Tropea. To create this product, hot chilli pepper is added to the onion, making this sauce one of the most characteristic products in Calabrian cuisine.


ML: 212


99 in stock


Calabrian Fantasia Tropeana is a delicious cream that has at the base of its recipe the ingredient par excellence of Calabrian cuisine, the red onion from Tropea. To create this product, hot chilli pepper is added to the onion, making this sauce one of the most characteristic products in Calabrian cuisine.

The Calabrian Fantasia Tropeana is ideal for homemade starters and snacks made with bruschetta or to be spread on the base of rich stuffed sandwiches.

But it is also perfect for flavouring omelettes, first and second courses based on meat, or for stuffing pizza, making every dish more appetising.


Ingredients: Tropean onion, chilli, sunflower seed oil, salt, garlic and natural flavourings.

N.B: Once opened, store in the fridge covered with oil.

ML: 212

Additional information

Weight 0.200 kg